Spontaneous dance, Shared movement,Inclusive community and the animate earth. In search of the ecological self through embodied practice.
Moving Difference is a portal into reconfiguring the relationship between self, community and the ecology. Movement and dance are integral to this process; the body being a physical organism which is rooted in the rhythms, cycles and energies of the environment. Through an awareness of the body , we can realign ourselves with the world at large. Dance as an expression of creativity and spontaneity provides access to the integrity and depth of our wild nature and with the soul. With these principles in mind, moving difference reaches out to all animate beings, offering:
- Individual and Group Dance Movement Psychotherapy,
- Supervision,
- Lectures and Workshops
- Community Projects.
“Moving Difference” has arisen from many years commitment to Community Dance, Therapy and ecological responsibility.
Moving Difference is committed to personal healing as we find peaceful ways of sharing this earth as our collective home. Moving Difference seeks to explore individual, collective and ecological well-being, as we head into an uncertain future.
Moving Difference trusts the intelligence of the body as a guiding force, connecting us to and rooting us in community as we move through our differences together.