Publications Archive 2006-2014
"Climbing Mountains", Quarterly, October 2006 Volume XIV No17 ISSN 1460-1281, Frizell C.
"In Search of the Wider Self" pub. (ADMT) UK Quarterly Spring 2008 Vol.XVIII No.1 ISSN 1460-1281, Frizell C.
"Dance Movement Psychotherapy & Music" pub. E-motion (ADMP) UK Autumn 2008, Frizell C.
"Eric & the Woodlouse" pub. E-motion (ADMP) UK Winter 2009, Frizell C.
"The Ecological Self: ADMP Keynote Speech" pub. E-motion Winter 2011, Frizell C.
"Embodiment & the Supervisory Task" journal: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, Frizell C.(2012)
"Therapy Today" review of "Vital Signs" (edited by Mary Jayne-Rust and Nick Totton, Frizell C (July 2012).
"Whole Earth Healing", review of "The Life of Things:therapy and the soul of the world" by Bernie Neville, in Therapy Today (May 2013), Frizell C.
"A Journey of Becoming" E-motion (Summer 2013) pp 11-12, Frizell C.
* Frizell, C. (2014) 'Reflections on the Dance of Despair'. In Transformations, Winter 2013/14, pp.9-11.
* Frizell, C. (2014) 'Discovering the Language of the Ecological Body'. In Self & Society An
International Journal for Humanistic Psychology. Vol 41, No.4, Summer 2014.
* Frizell, C. (2014) 'Work-life' Transformations—The Journal for Psychotherapists and
Counsellors for Social Responsibility : Summer 2014; pp. 27-30