Caroline's Recent Publications
Frizell, C. (2024). Posthuman Possibilities of Dance Movement Psychotherapy Moving through Eco-feminist and New Materialist Entanglements of Differently Enabled Bodies in Research. Routledge. ISBN 9781032345352.
Frizell, C. & Rova, M. (eds.) (2023). Creative Bodies in Therapy, Performance and Community. Research and Practice that Brings Us Home London: Routledge.https://www.routledge.com/Creative-Bodies-in-Therapy-Performance-and-Community-Research-and-Practice/Frizell-Rova/p/book/9781032119809
Frizell, C. (2023) The cat, the foal and other meetings that make a difference: postman research that re-animates our responsiveness to knowing and becoming. In, Research and practice that brings us home: the creative body as a catalyst for change in therapy, education, somatic and performance. London, Routledge.
Frizell, C. (2023). Coming home to a posthuman body; finding hopefulness in those who care. In Parker, D., Jackson, C. & Aspey, L (Eds) Holding the Hope: reviving/restoring psychological and spiritual agency in the face of Climate Change. Monmouth: PCCS books. https://www.pccs-books.co.uk/products/holding-the-hope
Frizell, C (2023). Bodies, landscapes and the air that we breathe. Our dance democracy; Forum Kritika on dancing democracy in a fractured world. Kritika Kultura, issue 40., pp. 66-73. Access here: https://ajol.ateneo.edu/kk
Frizell, C. (2022). Foreword. Butté, C. & Colbert, T (2022). Embodied Approaches to Supervision: the Listening Body. Oxon, Routledge.
Frizell, C. (2021). Learning disability imagined differently: an evaluation of interviews with parents about discovering that their child has Down’s Syndrome. Disability & Society, 36(10), pp. 1574-1593.
Frizell, C (2020). Reclaiming our innate vitality: bringing embodied narratives to life through Dance Movement Psychotherapy. In: Amanda Williamson and Barbara Sellers-Young, eds. Spiritual Herstories: Call of the soul in dance research. Bristol, UK: Intellect, pp. 207-220. ISBN 9781789380828
Frizell, C. & Woodger D (2019) Removing the threat of exclusion in schools: creating inclusive educational environments. Youth and Policy; Dec 2019; ISSN 2057-4266.
Frizell, C & Woodger, D. (2019) . A Journey of Change: From Social Isolation to Inclusion. Project Report. TCES. This publication is the result of an interdisciplinary, commissioned evaluative research project funded by TCES (Transitional Care Education Service).
Frizell, C (2018) ‘Dancing Differently’ WAC Now: the journal of the West country Association for Counselling, Issue 2; Autumn 2019. Peer reviewed Journal publication:
Frizell, Caroline. (2018) Book Review. Working Across Modalities in the Arts Therapies: Creative Collaborations. Edited by Tasha Colbert and Cornelia Bent. ATOL: Art Therapy Online, 9(1), ISSN 2044-7221 [Article] http://research.gold.ac.uk/27802/ 7- Research Report Pub